Apple QuickTime movie | 2000-08-23 | 29.9 MB | 240x180 | 30fps | 1 minute, 32 seconds | [MooV/TVOD]
Transcription: Tony's Log, Stardate 2525. We have been rescued from the subterranean river by the inhabitants of this underground city. After completing repairs on our robot forest, these kind creatures have agreed to fly us back to the surface. I was worried they were going to eat us at first, but Astrid told me not to be silly. And here we are, back on the surface, saying farewell to our newfound friends. Well Johnny, at least we're far away from that evil robot now. Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! It's right there with the Regis at first, but Astra told me not to be silly. Yeah, that's disgusting! Feels like mold ...